Tax Planning Strategies Resource Central

Explore bountiful tax savings with tax planning using the perfect combination of strategies for your facts and circumstances.

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About this page:

If you want to stop paying high taxes for you, your family, or your business, learning about various tax planning strategies is a great way to get started!

"Tax planning a financial strategy that anyone can use to save on taxes is a statement that
we like to spread around. No one should miss out the tax savings opportunity of
tax avoidance afforded to all US taxpayers."
~ JLW, owner/manager,


Tax Planning With Us,


When we prepare a tax plan for you, we use an approach we developed that separates your personal and business activities into four activity sectors or cash flow sectors:

1. Finance
2. Investments
3. Lifestyle
4. Operations
Each of these four activity sectors is where your cash flows in and out. We evaluate each sector and determine where and how we take advantage of tax benefits through a perfect mix of tax exclusions, deductions, deferrals, tax rates, and credits matched to your unique facts and circumstances to keep money in your pocket. 
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Three People Tax Planning With Calculator and Charts

Tax Planning Through Tax Avoidance v. Tax Evasion

Tax planning is a way to plan for any life or business changes that may affect your taxes and by using tax strategies saves you money by making tax law work for you. Tax planning includes using tax exclusions, deductions, deferrals, tax rates, and credits in the right formula to keep more earnings in your pocket. 
Tax avoidance is the legal definition of tax planning. It is method that can can use for this purpose. 

Tax avoidance and tax evasion defined by the IRS1:

The U.S. income tax system is based on the idea of voluntary compliance. Under this system, it
is the taxpayer’s responsibility to report all income. Tax evasion is illegal. One way that people
try to evade paying taxes is by failing to report all or some of their income. Sometimes people do
not report income gained through illegal activities such as gambling and selling stolen goods.
Other times they do not report all the tips they collect or the money they earn through legal
activities such as garage sales, baby-sitting, tutoring, or yard work. Such money-making
activities are part of the underground economy, which exists as a way to avoid paying taxes.
If taxpayers fail to pay what officials say they owe, the IRS can assess a penalty, in addition to
collecting the back taxes.

In contrast, tax avoidance is perfectly legal. IRS regulations allow eligible taxpayers to claim
certain deductions, credits, and adjustments to income. For instance, some homeowners can
claim a deduction for interest they pay on a home mortgage. Working parents may be able to
claim a credit for child-care expenses. There are also deductions based on the number of family
members. These are only a few of the many ways people can legally limit the tax they pay.
However, the taxpayer must be able to prove that he or she qualifies.
" Many people pay more federal income tax than necessary because they misunderstand tax laws and fail to keep good records " 

Tax Planning Strategies by Activity

Tax Planning Activity:
Tax Planning Activity:
Tax Planning Activity:
Moving Expenses
Educator Expenses
Performing Artists
Tax Planning Activity:

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"Anyone may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes"


---Billings Learned Hand (1872 - 1961), American Jurist, Lawyer, and Judicial Philosopher, US Federal Trial Judge, Southern District of New York, Appellate Judge of US Court of Appeals ---